Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Arrested Development"

Arrested Development haiku:

Ron Howard Meaby
Banana stand Ann Veal
Her Final Countdown

            If you threw a ton of amazingly awesome and talent funny actors into a show and gave them hilarious scripts and situations to depict, do you know what you’d wind up with? Arrested Development.
            Why is Arrested Development so awesome? Because it just is.
This is one of the best things ever. (Source)

            People will always ask me to explain why the show works, and my honest answer is it just does. The Bluth family is something everyone should experience.
            The amount of joy I get from watching episodes of Arrested Development on Netflix Instant is insane.
            The show is appropriate in so many ways.
            I love the show. I love the actors. I love the humor. I love it all.
            The main allure to the show is the “dysfunctionalism” (yeah, I made up a word just for this) of a family. The family is crazy. The family is insane. The family goes to great lengths to preserve their lives.
            The family makes me happy that my family isn’t that crazy. And I’m half Greek so that says a lot.
            Every single member of Bluth family has their shining moments.
            There is nothing new with showing an insane family for laughs. I will admit that. But Arrested Development is different.
            The show is witty. The show is smartly written. The show doesn’t continually use slapstick humor to get laughs. I appreciate all of that.

The difference we all must learn. (Source)

            The other reason why the show is just freaking great? The guest stars.
            There are so many guest stars on this show that your head will explode.
            And guess what? All the guest stars are hilarious. An example is Charlize Theron. Who thought she’d be funny? Guess what, she is.
            I love Jason Bateman in whatever movie he stars in now. He’s just that great. But watching him in this show is perfect. His humor goes beyond anything. And it got him all these movies now.
            I am also a huge fan of Jeffery Tambor. Most people my age know him as the dad from the Hangover (ugh). But Jeffery Tambor is one of the greatest and funniest people I have ever watched in my life.
            It is worth watching this show just for Jeffery Tambor. This is because not only does he play one character, but he plays twins. I don’t know how to describe the level of mind blowing potential this creates, but it’s just great. I can’t even handle it.
            I will always recommend Arrested Development to everyone I know. The show was so under appreciated when it aired. And thankfully, Netflix Instant allows people to enjoy it on a continuous basis.
            Because the show is that awesome.
The greatest thing ever.