Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Community haiku:

A-bed the A-rab
Gender-neutral mascot
Señor Chang Star burns

Have you ever pictured your life occurring as a film? If so, the show Community is for you. Granted this life as television/film concept is a small part of a bigger picture.

There is something simplistic yet so great about the show Community. The show’s realism is what hits home personally.
It is no secret that Dan Harmon created Community. Harmon based the show on his real life experiences at Glendale Community College.
The students at Glendale in Community are what allow the realism to occur. There are times where I can relate to so many of their actions, thoughts, and logic.
There are moments in life where we all can get lost. We lose ourselves in life, what we are doing and what we are focusing on. Harmon’s portrayals of these moments are what allow the show to flourish.
It’s silly to try to explain how one simple television sitcom based on community college experiences by its creator can strike a chord with everyone but it does.
Community depicts characters with their own insecurities and their own issues. It’s based on people who learn to cope with who they are.
Dan Harmon and Community gave my twenty two year old self the ability to understand myself more. The show gave me the understanding that it’s okay to be a misfit. I learned that it is okay to be different in a place where people do not understand you. I learned that there would be a community of people who will understand you and accept you for who you are.
The other greatest satisfaction I get from the show is the predominant amount of pop culture references.
Oh Abed. (Source)

My personal favorite moment of the show occurs in the “Modern Warfare” inspired paintball episode. The greatest thing ever is seeing a million Die Hard references packed into a twenty-two minutes television sitcom episode.
There was even a Martin Scorsese inspired episode that included voice overs and soundtracks used.
All of these Community movie references stem from Abed. Abed is the aspiring filmmaker who views his life as a cinematic event. He is the socially awkward one of the group, but somehow I personally think he is one of the reasons why the group sticks together.
Chevy Chase as Pierce is one of the best things to watch. His little new phrases like “being streets behind” are perfect. Plus, his humor kills me.
Plus, Britta is my favorite female character on the show. And I’m ninety nine percent sure I’m like her in many ways.
What is the other good part on this amazing show? There are a ton of guest stars like Patton Oswalt and Betty White. And they are magnificent. Yes, magnificent.
I watch Community all the time on Hulu Plus. There are seasons available on DVD via Netflix. But to me, Hulu Plus is the better option since I can watch new episodes on there too.
Either way it is worth watching this show. Everyone should understand why Dan Harmon is one of the greatest human beings alive.

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